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free fire movie music

Biologi Sekolah Menengah Pertama banntu yahhhhhh....... jan di lihat doang​

banntu yahhhhhh....... jan di lihat doang​

Answer & Explanation:

Humans do that can have an impact on enviromental damage.

  1. Someone who do illegal logging.
  2. Throwing rubbish carelessly.
  3. Using bomb or tiger trawl while fishing.
  4. Throwing the industrial waste to the river.
  5. A massive mining.

Humans can do to protect the environment.

  1. Reboisation to the barren forests.
  2. Throwing rubbish to dustbin.
  3. Using regular net while fishing.
  4. Industrial waste is treated before being disposed of.
  5. Doing reclamation after mining activites then replant trees onto it.